OK, I've done a bunch of updating on my WSL config...
# general
OK, I've done a bunch of updating on my WSL configuration instructions, including changing the name/URL to the repo to reflect the focus on WSL. I think it's in pretty good shape now but please point out any issues here. https://github.com/BruceEckel/ConfiguringWSLForPants
This seems very thorough and should get someone through the steps with success AFAICT. That said, the guide mentions git but yet uses copying directories between steps as, seemingly, a substitute for version control. Is this intentional? I.E.: Walk through the steps 1st to get set up without getting bogged down in too many concepts (This guess at motivation assumes readers will be ~unfamiliar with Git).
I wasn't sure what to do with that. The idea is that they take the previous directory, copy it, and perform the actions in order to produce the next directory. To have the experience themselves. There could well be a better approach.
Well, you could do the same by committing each step / using git history. That may be too complex for some folks going through the tutorial though; i.e.: Check out at commit foo, do x, commit, do y, commit, do z. See my same process by reviewing git log X..Z.
Right, this way they can look at all the steps at once. Anyway, I'll give it some more thought.
Yeah, no it totally makes sense for that purpose. You really have to be comfortable with git to prefer a diff as the way to see the change vs the more visceral compare two directories by poking around.