Hello folks! We are currently trying to accelerate...
# general
Hello folks! We are currently trying to accelerate our pipeline with the remote cache. We are trying to register on Toolchain but we can't get the email when we register. We also tried to run on-prem version of Buildbarn or Buildfarm with this in my
Copy code
remote_cache_read = true
remote_cache_write = true
remote_store_address = "<grpc://cache.local:8980>"
remote_instance_name = "worker"
My on-prem REAPI server are working correctly and exposed correctly (Tested with Bazel example) and when I try the
with Pants, I get errors about the Environment missing Python (which is normal at this state) but we don't want remote execution, only the caching. When running any command
lint, fmt, test, package, publish
I don't see any hit on my server or logs in Pants that tell its trying to do something with the remote cache, Am I missing something here ? I am following this https://www.pantsbuild.org/v2.15/docs/remote-caching
Hi! I'm a member of the Toolchain team. Sorry you're having trouble getting onboarded. @polite-garden-50641 can help you get that straightened out.
👀 1
Thanks, we have mostly integrated Pants with everything on our side, but we have so many projects and bitbucket caching is awful so it would help a lot to have remote caching
@busy-vase-39202 should I send an email directly with toolchain ?
But still this does not reply to the second part of the question 😄
Oops I just realized Asher is OOO, so let me refer you to director of engineering @witty-crayon-22786. I am devrel, not engineering, but Stu will be able to help you out.
Thanks 🙂
@curved-microphone-39455: i’ll be able to take a look at this in about 30 minutes! but first, it’s worth noting that remote caching and remote execution are separate setups: remote caching is completely self-service, but remote execution with Toolchain is currently in alpha state, and requires some manual setup. i’d target getting just remote caching working first using: https://docs.toolchain.com/docs/getting-started-with-toolchain … but can talk more in a bit.
No problem, just ping me when you are free, in summary: Problem with Remote Cache: • Can't make the remote cache work with on-prem (it just do nothing, no logs in me on-prem REAPI servers and no logs in pants that tell it tried something • On-prem REAPI is working (tested with Bazel example and tested with Pants Remote Execution and it detect correctly my configuration. Remote Execution does not work since my Environment don't have Python but that's another problem) Problem with Toolchain: • Want to try toolchain but does it work with bitbucket? • Tried to register using email on toolchain and nothing is happening (no email received)
ok, apologies for the delay:
• Tried to register using email on toolchain and nothing is happening (no email received)
sorry about this: have reported it, and we’ll get it fixed soon.
• Want to try toolchain but does it work with bitbucket?
you’re right: right now, Toolchain only supports authenticating with Github. BUT, once you are authenticated, if you let me know which repos you are interested in linking, i can link them manually to your account. that amounts to following the steps from https://docs.toolchain.com/docs/getting-started-with-toolchain, but then skipping the steps where it suggests that you add the Github App, and proceeding from the Configure Pants to Use Toolchain step after i’ve added the relevant repo manually for your org.
sorry for the trouble: we’re going to discuss adding Bitbucket support, but it won’t be this week.
will DM you with more information.