Posting this in <#C046T6T9U|general> because it is...
# general
Posting this in #general because it is a widespread issue. Yesterday GitHub changed their compression for git archives. Meaning URLs like:
Copy code
        filename = "pybind11",
        len = 569736,
        sha256 = "8103bf774f02ff7a063c017eb1adac51c17af9c2c08363830618ad648f09ad1f",
        url = "<>",
Started failing due to the sha/len being different. And then today, they decided to revert the change. So just FYI to those of y'all fielding off errors from Pants talking about unexpected length/SHA on GitHub tarball URLs.
😵 1
Supposedly in 2022, GitHub support claimed certain URLs are stable. Guess they have a short memory. This is in the Bazel org-space because Bazel encourages a wide use of URL+len+SHA.
lol wow 🤯