Hello, thanks for having me. So I'm trying to make...
# general
Hello, thanks for having me. So I'm trying to make a PoC for the company I'm currently working to simplify the code base and I'm trying to use pants for that. So right now, we have some shell commands to perform certain actions with the python code. I'm having some trouble trying to do ./pants run xx/xx:command for shell and the documentation has not helped me a lot to do that. How should I setup the BUILD file to just run a simple hello world with a shell script using the ./pants run xx/xx/xx:command? Thanks in advance
Hi, sorry that you are struggling to figure out it from docs. This thread might help you https://pantsbuild.slack.com/archives/C046T6T9U/p1675345828378179
👍 1
Thanks, I'll look into it now 😊