Hi there! does anyone have an open repo that I can...
# general
Hi there! does anyone have an open repo that I can take a look using pants + poetry ?
Hey, I don’t have repo to share since it’s all private but we started with poetry and now have switched to pants mostly but use still have some poetry “legacy”. So if you have some question, I can try answering it.
thx Shantanu! so, you would recommend delegating all the dependency management to pants + pex and forget about poetry ? I am still figuring out what would be the best option, as I do not have global requirements. I see you are a DS, so basically imagine I have a repo with just sklearn and other that uses transformers, but both depend on an internal package with custom functions for data preprocessing… what would you suggest ? thanks in advance so much !!
so, you would recommend delegating all the dependency management to pants + pex and forget about poetry ?
Yes! That’s where we are planning to move towards. Currently we use multiple resolves to maintain these legacy poetry dependencies but it brings extra work when updating a dependency. If you have say
in multiple places, you need to update them multiple times. So for longer run it does make sense to use a common global requirements. Not to say multiple resolves don’t have their place but mostly for use cases where you really want to support multiple version of say some package. Or you want to keep certain part of your repo quite separate from other in terms of 3rd party dependencies. In your case it does make sense to use same global requirements (and a single resolve).