Hello! I’m having a difficult time with Golang 1.1...
# general
Hello! I’m having a difficult time with Golang 1.18 and pants 2.14. When running tests or packaging, I get a handful of errors stating
pack: open __pkg__.a: permission denied
. It appears for a couple of the dependencies I’m using (namely golang.org/x/sys/unix and github.com/cespare/xxhash/v2). My theory is there is a name collision or something between these dependencies and others, anyone have an idea for how to deal with this/get around it and/or if my intuition is wrong?
I recommend upgrading to Pants 2.15.0rc5
there has been further work on the Go backend in 2.15 and 2.16, so let's ensure no bug still exists with the latest versions
Great, I’ll attempt it really quick
Still happens
What about with 2.16.0.dev6?
Still doesn’t work :/
please open an issue then. with full debug log (via
) with exact versions of the dependencies at issue.
Do you happen to know which directory the pkg.a files are generated in? Perhaps it’s due to permissions on my end
You can run with
and Pants will log the location of the sandbox dir the relevant process ran in
In fact you can poke around in it to see if anything stands out
I ran with keep sandboxes always and I didn’t see the loc printed in the trace, retrying now
I’ve determined it was a permissions issue with the generated files, sorry!
Cool, glad that worked out!