Does anyone have any experience with Pants not bei...
# general
Does anyone have any experience with Pants not being able to find the
binary when building Docker images? I have a colleague on WSL Ubuntu and we can't figure out why she's getting "BinaryNotFound" when
exists in the expected location (
The more details you can provide, the better. In particular the Pants version, the full command line run and all console output. In addition, since this involves WSL, a description of the setup. Basically, confirmation that the repo using Pants is fully housed in the WSL vm (it's not back in Windows at
Thanks John. pants 2.14.0, yes it's housed in the WSL vm, all the python targets build / work fine, just the docker image that is failing. I'll chase up some console and debug output.
Ok, and there is an ambiguity in your report since this involves Docker. You say
exists. Is this on the WSL vm host or in the Docker image or both?
Its on the WSL vm host. Ubuntu, installed with apt