Just a funny thought I had because of a typo I kee...
# general
Just a funny thought I had because of a typo I keep making repeatedly, when I build my first guess is to run
pants build <target>
but even though this is called
there's actually no
pants build
pants package
Just thought this was funny
You can create an alias in pants.toml so that build = package 🙂 (search the docs for alias, I haven’t used it much so I don’t recall the syntax off the top of my head)
Oh I'll just adapt to the CLI over time, can always bash alias if we have too
Copy code
# pants.toml
build = "package"
I think we actually discussed this at one point and concluded that "build" was too vague a word to be a goal. It's all "build" in some sense...
I'll still stick to adapting to the CLI, good to know about aliases within the pants build system though. Just a funny observation