Is pants 2.15 compatible with python 3.11?
# general
Is pants 2.15 compatible with python 3.11?
For 2.14 it's still reliant on 3.9:
Copy code
No valid Python interpreter found. For `pants_version = "2.14.1"`, Pants requires Python 3.7, 3.8, or 3.9 to run. Please check that a valid interpreter is installed and on your $PATH.
Hi, I don't think that Pants itself can use Python 3.11 to run yet. Personally, I've moved to use the "Pants launcher" which made me to not care about that subject anymore. I highly recommend it.
The curl command still needs python 3.9 to run. So I had to install it
But I see this is from v2.15
I see.. I've used
so maybe the
-based version needs a bit more work?
I used it from homebrew and it works. but some developers will need to run it on linux
at least need to wrap the curl on a
/bin/bash -c "$()"
I think that the devs will appreciate it as a ticket on GitHub, do you mind opening one? (link)
To clarify - Pants can run your code and tests on 3.11 (or any other Python version). Its own code is compatible with 3.7-3.9, and with the new binary installer it embeds its own 3.9 and you don't have to worry about it.
👍 1
When you say "The curl command still needs python 3.9 to run", do you mean curling the old
script, or the new
Things moved too fast from Wednesday when I started my journey reading the docs to today. I’m ok now with the new binary. But I presume there will be lots of people stuck in the past
Yeah, we did switch the docs over to 2.15 within that time frame
I can see how that would be confusing