If I run generate-lockfiles on mac and plan to dep...
# general
If I run generate-lockfiles on mac and plan to deploy on linux, should I commit my lockfiles? Additionally, are there any resources on package lockfiles and does pants package lockfile follow any standard that I can read up on?
Yes - the lock files are cross-platform for Mac & Linux by default and you should check them in. There is no documentation on the lock files or their format. It is a proprietary format like all others at this point since https://peps.python.org/pep-0665/ was rejected and there has been no replacement. Pex is ready to export to that standard though as soon as it happens.
Although there's no documentation, there's a blog post about multiple lockfiles fwiw https://blog.pantsbuild.org/multiple-lockfiles-python/
These are great, thanks so much! - Edit heh I didn't read the entire response before commenting. That's a bummer about PEP 665
@silly-queen-7197 what is your particular interest in a standard here. Do you want to be able to parse the lock file or use it with some other tool?
My interest currently is just trying to get up to speed about them so I can field questions from coworkers.
Ah. In that case I'd think the json is pretty self-explanatory as far as lock file format goes.