Hello, apologies if I missed this in the docs, but...
# general
Hello, apologies if I missed this in the docs, but is there a way to limit pants to specific python resolve when testing? We are using multiple resolves for common code with
, but pants ends up running tests for every resolve. We really only need to run them once.
not currently, but https://github.com/pantsbuild/pants/issues/17856 covers adding
options to select particular resolves.
thanks! looking forward to that
one quick question: why
the tests if you only (ever?) want to run on one? or are there some cases where you want to be able to choose which one you’ll run with via the CLI?
I was all ready to say that the tests weren’t parameterized, the python_sources were, but on second look, the tests were absolutely parameterized, and specifying just one worked exactly as it should. Thanks for the question! hah.