What's the best way to use pants w/ pytest-csv? I ...
# general
What's the best way to use pants w/ pytest-csv? I want to create a csv file of all test results, but it appears that executing under pants the parallelism by file results in only the last completed test having results (instead of appending). Alternative tools or methods welcome.
I suspect the answer is; fix pytest-csv so it can optionally append
Or whip out your old XML skills:
Copy code
jsirois@Gill-Windows:~/dev/pantsbuild/jsirois-scie-pants (CI/fix-lints-to-fail) $ pants test --report ::
12:33:26.30 [INFO] Completed: Run Pytest - tools/tests/test_pants_bootstrap.py - succeeded.
12:33:26.87 [INFO] Completed: Run Pytest - tools/tests/test_bootstrap_tools.py - succeeded.

āœ“ tools/tests/test_bootstrap_tools.py succeeded in 0.76s.
āœ“ tools/tests/test_pants_bootstrap.py succeeded in 0.20s.

Wrote test reports to dist/test/reports
jsirois@Gill-Windows:~/dev/pantsbuild/jsirois-scie-pants (CI/fix-lints-to-fail) $ ls -l dist/test/reports/
total 8
-rw-r--r-- 1 jsirois jsirois 869 May 11 12:33 tools.tests.test_bootstrap_tools.py.xml
-rw-r--r-- 1 jsirois jsirois 497 May 11 12:33 tools.tests.test_pants_bootstrap.py.xml
Yeah, I can do that.