Is it possible to patch a helm chart target versio...
# general
Is it possible to patch a helm chart target version, with an env var during the package goal?
Hi, sorry, not very familiar with the helm backend.
cc @witty-family-13337 who knows more
this is not supported, env vars can only be used as inline values for now
Ah a shame, we tend to use a just wrapper around pants so I manually use yq to patch the version in the Chart.yaml every time and set it back after but it is a bit very hacky.
this could be evaluated as a possibility, there has been an occasion in the past in which something similar was requested but wasn't added as some users may want to read the version value from a different source (i.e. env var VS a VCS tag, etc)
The env var we are using is just a git describe so using a VCS tag would also be great.
Sounds like a good use-case for
, which currently is usable only in the Python context
@average-flag-94768 if you could add your use case in a comment there that would be very helpful
👍 2