I had a question about the golang support, is it p...
# general
I had a question about the golang support, is it possible to get behaviour similar to
found in the go.mod? we have a seperate shared module that several systems depend on, and currently we use replace to point at the local version instead of the github module so tests are ran with any changes done to the shared module.
cc @fast-nail-55400
This would require some thought on what
with a local directory path means for Pants. I will note that Bazel rules_go appears to not support
with a local directory path, just replacing with a module name and version. https://github.com/bazelbuild/bazel-gazelle/pull/1450
with bazel the replace doesn't matter since the local repo depos are handled by bazel itself, it loads from local no matter what.
is it possible to point a dependency( the github url) to a local go_package?