How does the rule-parsing and scheduler initializa...
# plugins
How does the rule-parsing and scheduler initialization work? I've got some rules that seem to spike the startup of pants from ~3s to 30s And commenting out the rules speeds it up, but it seems like it's a combo of rules that is making it a problem? Think I've found it. Maybe? It looks like wrapping a rule's return from
AThing -> Digest
to look more like
AThing -> Wrapper(Digest)
fixes the problem.
Ah, yes it’s likely a good idea to have unique-ish result types for your rules. Otherwise you may get unwanted results as there may be other rules that return a
for instance which may be used instead of the rule you intended.
I had assumed it was down to a mapping of
request -> response
but if it's return types, that's an easy enough change
It is true, but you may have
request -> foo -> bar -> baz -> response
request -> some -> thing -> else -> response
.. 🤷 😉
the engine traverses rules?
indeed it does, you ask for
and inspects every possible path through all known rules to satisfy that
that's uh. kinda dope and also... seems unnecessary?
dope yes, unnecessary no. That hides a lot of complexity for you. And makes you sane while implementing rules 😉 as you get to focus on just one small step at a time
without it, it wouldn’t be much more than just calling the rules directly. The power lies in that you don’t have to figure out all the inbetween rules to call to get what you want.
well damn. I've just been treating it as some kind of dependency-injection/dispatching system.
just to confirm. if I had some rules that did:
Target -> IntermediateA
IntermediateA -> IntermediateB
IntermediateB -> Digest
I could just ask it
Get(Digest, Target)
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consider the rules you’ve been using all along, they certainly are chained more than just a few levels already (like getting hydrated sources with code gen etc)
Time to rewrite all my plugins.
sorry about that 🤣
but, I would guess you’d not be the only nor the first one to think like this, so we should probably make some doc effort to highlight this better.. 🤔 cc @happy-kitchen-89482
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it’s a fairly expensive feature (at graph solving time, but not runtime) that is used in a variety of places, but which is very non-obvious.
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i’ve failed to come up with a more obvious syntax for it though (which hopefully would make graph solving cheaper as well)
I don’t see how the syntax could affect this.. or?
So, currently: there is no syntax... every callsite might implicitly involve a conversion/overloading. The only place where that isn't the case is with rule_helpers / async defs which are called directly.
But you could imagine having a syntax that explicitly opted you in to the solving... or out.
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One example would be allowing for directly referencing the name of the rule that you're expecting to call
i want to continue brainstorming this, because it’s been on my mind for a while.
one strawexample would be something like
Copy code
await Call(my_rule_function, AnArgument(..))
(you can’t directly use call syntax because the point is that we’re dependency injecting an arbitrary number of additional arguments)
…oh. OR. we could theoretically have the
decorator transform calls into shims that would capture their arguments…
I like the shim approach. That keeps the magic out of sight so it looks like just another call
some amount of obvious magic might still be good, so that it’s obvious that something is happening… maybe:
Copy code
await my_rule_function(AnArgument(..), ...)
Copy code
>>> def callee(*args, **kwargs):
...   print(args)
Copy code
>>> callee("one", ...)
('one', Ellipsis)
an annoying downside though is that currently rule names don’t matter at all… suddenly, both types and rule names would matter in public APIs
Copy code
await my_rule_function(AnArgument(..), ...)
this doesn’t look like magic to me, but I might have not used await if the rule wasn’t declared async..
maybe have a new concept of “rule id” that you provide to the
decorator and only rules with a specified id may be called this way?
to be clear, i mean literally requiring the ellipses. but yea, not too bad
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that’s a good guard rail to protect against mistakes about thinking it actually is a regular call
thought more about this today, and filed
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