This error just started popping up any time I try ...
# general
This error just started popping up any time I try to run
pants package ...
, it seems to get thrown when pants is looking for an interpreter. I tried the troubleshooting tips it suggested to no avail. Any ideas?
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Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/Users/zach/Library/Caches/nce/142382d6e3ac0960e7d4f81b9df9de9559b7ac698db13d20cbd0e4aa57f68c1d/bindings/venvs/2.15.0/bin/pants", line 8, in <module>
  File "/Users/zach/Library/Caches/nce/142382d6e3ac0960e7d4f81b9df9de9559b7ac698db13d20cbd0e4aa57f68c1d/bindings/venvs/2.15.0/lib/python3.9/site-packages/pants/bin/", line 123, in main
  File "/Users/zach/Library/Caches/nce/142382d6e3ac0960e7d4f81b9df9de9559b7ac698db13d20cbd0e4aa57f68c1d/bindings/venvs/2.15.0/lib/python3.9/site-packages/pants/bin/", line 110, in main
  File "/Users/zach/Library/Caches/nce/142382d6e3ac0960e7d4f81b9df9de9559b7ac698db13d20cbd0e4aa57f68c1d/bindings/venvs/2.15.0/lib/python3.9/site-packages/pants/bin/", line 92, in run_default_entrypoint
    exit_code =
  File "/Users/zach/Library/Caches/nce/142382d6e3ac0960e7d4f81b9df9de9559b7ac698db13d20cbd0e4aa57f68c1d/bindings/venvs/2.15.0/lib/python3.9/site-packages/pants/bin/", line 89, in run
  File "/Users/zach/Library/Caches/nce/142382d6e3ac0960e7d4f81b9df9de9559b7ac698db13d20cbd0e4aa57f68c1d/bindings/venvs/2.15.0/lib/python3.9/site-packages/pants/bin/", line 123, in run
    return self._connect_and_execute(pantsd_handle, executor, start_time)
  File "/Users/zach/Library/Caches/nce/142382d6e3ac0960e7d4f81b9df9de9559b7ac698db13d20cbd0e4aa57f68c1d/bindings/venvs/2.15.0/lib/python3.9/site-packages/pants/bin/", line 161, in _connect_and_execute
    return PyNailgunClient(port, executor).execute(command, args, modified_env)

native_engine.PantsdClientException: The pantsd process was killed during the run.

If this was not intentionally done by you, Pants may have been killed by the operating system due to memory overconsumption (i.e. OOM-killed). If you keep seeing this error message, try the troubleshooting steps below. If none of those help, please consider filing a GitHub issue or reaching out on Slack so that we can investigate the possible memory overconsumption (<>).
 - Exit other applications, including applications running in the background.
 - Set the global option `--pantsd-max-memory-usage` to reduce Pantsd's memory consumption by retaining less in its in-memory cache (run `./pants help-advanced global`).
 - Disable pantsd with the global option `--no-pantsd` to avoid persisting memory across Pants runs, although you will miss out on additional caching.
is there anything useful in
not really, just a handful of
Signal 15 (SIGTERM) was raised. Exiting with failure.
and associated ambiguous stack trace
if you
tail -F .pants.d/pants.log
while reproducing the issue, what is the output?
all I get is a log line catching the command to execute:
Copy code
10:57:08.60 [INFO] handling request: `--python-repos-find-links=-['file:///Users/zach/Library/Caches/nce/142382d6e3ac0960e7d4f81b9df9de9559b7ac698db13d20cbd0e4aa57f68c1d/bindings/find_links/2.15.0/214abc14/index.html'] package src/py/pipelines/sirch/sirch:bin_testing_databricks`
tried restarting my machine too
hm. ok… the process might be getting `SIGTERM`d by the OS due to an OOM, as the message says.
you might also be experiencing some other type of abort though, which should be really unusual. do you see anything in
there doesn't seem to be such a folder on my machine
with your username substituted in?
oh I missed the Logs part of the prefix my bad
there's a handful of
type files with big thread dumps, nothing jumps out as obviously useful to me but I'm not very experienced at this kind of debugging
can you send me the most recent one in a DM?