Hi! Regarding the new python.providers.experimenta...
# general
Hi! Regarding the new python.providers.experimental.pyenv backend, when I enable it, it installs 3.7 despite having
. There is no docs for this, so maybe there is some configuration that needs to be done?
what version of pants are you running?
I’m also seeing odd behavior around interpreter selection (https://github.com/pantsbuild/pants/issues/18662) - wondering if it’s the same root issue
3.7 would be unexpected. It should use the lowest compatible version. Mind filing an issue? Small reproduction repo would be great
@sparse-lifeguard-95737 that's an unrelated issue. There were several changes at the same time, but your issue doesn't relate to the experimental pyenv change
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Also @cold-vr-15232, glad you're trying out the new feature!
I am using 2.16.0rc0. I will try to reproduce in a sample repo.
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Ok, I think I got the culprits. I can reproduce in any repo, when using the config below.
Copy code
pants_version = "2.16.0rc0"
backend_packages = [
  # Any of the following three backends install python 3.7

Also, "pants.backend.python.typecheck.mypy" will use 3.8 but fails because it can't find module _sqlite3.
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File "/home/vdumitre/.cache/pants/named_caches/pyenv/versions/3.8.16/lib/python3.8/sqlite3/dbapi2.py", line 27, in <module>
    from _sqlite3 import *
ModuleNotFoundError: No module named '_sqlite3'
Oh, I'm guessing that's because the ICs you set are for your code. But they do t necessarily need to match the ICs for the tools being run
I don't think it is reasonable to let the user add resolves_to_interpreter_constraints for each tool, if they want to use this backend. In a normal setup, one wouldn't have python 3.7 (for example) installed, so everything works fine. But the pyenv backend will install whatever, and some tools probably want to use the same version as the code. Maybe we could have a config like global_interpreter_constraints_for_everything? 🙂
Oh yeah sorry, I should've mentioned I don't think this is ideal Was just musing as to why the current code might behave this way
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This might be https://github.com/pantsbuild/pants/issues/15358#issuecomment-1491262069 which others have encountered too
Oh good find
Just in case you need more info and an extra repro, I just hit what seems to be a similar issue, though, in my case, it seems to select the correct python version during packaging. My toml file:
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pants_version = "2.16.0rc0"
backend_packages = [

interpreter_constraints = ["CPython>=3.10,<3.11"]
When running the package command, I see that it installs python 3.10:
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15:58:10.20 [INFO] Completed: Choose specific version for Python 3.10
16:00:14.27 [INFO] Completed: Install Python 3.10
I didn’t have python 3.10 installed on my machine (which is why I chose it for this test):
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❯ pyenv versions
* 3.11.2 (set by /Users/vzakharov/mdevxp/.python-version)
When I run the resulting pex, I get this error:
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❯ ./dist/src.python.mdevxp.health_score/health_score_processor.pex --help
pyenv: python3.9: command not found

The `python3.9' command exists in these Python versions:

Note: See 'pyenv help global' for tips on allowing both
      python2 and python3 to be found.
looking inside the pex, I see that
starts with
Copy code
#!/usr/bin/env python3.9
Let me know if you’d like more info on this.
Yeah that checks out with my theory
@bitter-ability-32190 Since several issues were discussed in this thread, please clarify what your theory is. Thank you!
Also, I don't think using the pyenv provider will work seamlessly with trying to run a packaged PEX binary. The pyenv provider is for pants-run stuff. Once you try to run code yourself, pants can't help you. That being said, you can adjust the shebang in the PEX to be something compatible with the host system. That's a field of the target
I see. I must have misunderstood the feature. I was under the impression that it was able to package the python interpreter required for running the pex into the pex itself, so you could ship a fully portable binary. Is there a plan for supporting that? (Or maybe already something out there).
Yeah existing solutions are pyoxidizer which there's experimental support for. And scie which support is coming
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