I'm having some trouble understanding how to setup...
# general
I'm having some trouble understanding how to setup pants. Context: My org's repos have a weird setup where we have 3 (completely python) repos: 1. Foo 2. Bar 3. Baz Now, within our docker images, we mount them like so:
Copy code
and then we set the PYTHONPATH within the image to:
Copy code
Now Foo's source root is "/". Bar gets mounted within Foo and so python modules in Foo can import python modules within Bar like so:
Copy code
import bar.something
Python modules in Foo can also import python modules within Baz like so:
Copy code
import baz.something
I'm currently keeping
within Foo. Questions: 1. what's the recommended setup here? a. I'm currently thinking of mounting all the above within a container just like our current env and then installing pants within it. 2. should I set the pythonpath env var within the container or given that pants uses its own python binary, should I define it in pants.toml somewhere? a. I do see this link but it refers to plugins which I don't think is right. 3. I'd like to begin by testing pants on a single file/module, let's say located at
(which can import from across the pythonpath). However setting the source root as "/" and then calling
pants tailor ::
adds BUILD files all over the repo. How can I limit it to only the one submodule? Feel free to have me read/grep documentation if the above is covered somewhere already.
re 2: So in my container at /usr/src/app, when I run
pants tailor ::
, it sadly misses adding BUILD files to the Baz repo so I think I need to tell pants to look at the PYTHONPATH too? re: 3 looks like I do need BUILD files everywhere!
Pants does not use PYTHONPATH nor does it generally allow env variables to influence the processes it runs. As a general concept it is hermetic and tries to run the same regardless of your local env vars vs some other developers. Hopefully you've run down through: https://www.pantsbuild.org/docs/concepts From that list, you want to set up source roots to tell Pants about your 1st party code PYTHONPATH: https://www.pantsbuild.org/docs/source-roots - its the same concept, but language agnostic (CLASSPATH is roughly the mapping for the JVM for example). If you go to the
docs you'll see a few ignore options: https://www.pantsbuild.org/docs/reference-tailor You might try masking out a subtree in your repo for tailor to operate on using those.
From that list, you want to set up source roots to tell Pants about your 1st party code PYTHONPATH
so the issue is I've defined my pants.toml within Foo and so the only sources I can put are within Foo. However, Baz gets mounted outside the Foo root. Python still treats it as a local module import because of PYTHONPATH
I guess a fix could be to just mount Baz within Foo? Or to have pants.toml to live within /usr/src and define the roots as /usr/src/app and /usr/src/baz
I dare say, IIUC, you are making things incredibly complicated.
haha sadly not my choice, just how the current system is 😞
So, for me to have a hope at understanding I think it's est to not talk about repos. Just the final tree.
What is the tree?
sure: / • usr ◦ src ▪︎ app • ... • bar ▪︎ baz
with PYTHONPATH set to /usr/src/app and /usr/src/baz
And, for whatever reason, you can't put pants.toml at any of /, /usr or /usr/src - correct?
Ah, I can probably add a step to copy pants.toml into /usr/src
This is pretty crazy. Thinking...
So git submodules are not allowed? I.E. A framing git repo that uses submodules to pull in the others?
no, some of our dependencies don't like git submodules for whatever reason, hence why we mount them thru docker
Man - I don't know. This is rough.
So if you copy in a pants.toml that means your Pants config is not really version controlled.
so the repo mounted at /usr/src/app (Bar) controls the dockerfiles where our images build from pants.toml can probably live next to the dockerfile and hence be version controlled
But just not living where it actually needs to be; thus you need to copy it elsewhere.
I ... this is pretty nuts.
I am really not sure if Pants can handle this as is.
I'd have to experiment with toy repos.
Have you tried that?
haha im just toying around with pants right now so I'm willing to just use the actual repos to toy around with if it's low effort
This is a totally unique setup in 13 years of Pants to my knowledge; so "low effort" is totally unlikely and unknown.
It does sound like the easiest ways are to either: 1. copy pants.toml to /usr/src so it can see everything 2. change the tree structure so everything lives within /usr/src/app
I can't see other ways.
It would require changes to core Pants to do it in other ways as far as I can tell.
well I guess I'll see what happens, theoretically this shouldn't be super different from "normal" setups as long as pants sees what it wants to?
Yeah, as long as pants.toml is at or above the root of source files, you're good.
How you get that to happen in your current setup in a version controlled way seems to require a Rube Goldberg machine with re-locations, etc.
lol we got in this mess due to a factor of airflow and GCP tooling being super new when we adopted them
One thing that will likely be a huge issue is
and anything else that relies on git.
and the easiest way to just get things working was this weird amalgamation of repos
You'll have multiple
dirs IIUC.
ah this is true... the most important repo for changed-since to work on though is /usr/src/app
Yeah, well - I think Pants only looks for
as a sibling of
- I could be remembering that wrong though.
oh oof
You are just in a world of hurt here.
I guess I can always try mounting everything under /usr/src/app
so it should only see the one .git folder
though that brings into question what happens when the other repos change
Yeah, exactly.
would git submodules fix this?
we can always try to see if dependencies have been fixed
I honestly am not sure.
lemme go see if pants has git submodule docs
It definitely does not.
You really want to be experimenting and not theorizing here.
There are alot of details that will be hard to reason about gedanken-style.
I'd definitely be laying down a few tiny example repos and trying to get it to work 1st if I were debugging this sort of setup possibility.
yeah that's fair... ill probably mess around this weekend
Yeah, ok. If you can open source an example setup as you work through issues, that will be infinitely easier to support.
👍 1
are most people not using git submodules?
e.g. to share infra-as-code code with biz logic
I really have no clue. We don't get Slack support questions about them very often if at all that I can recall.
Most Pants users use a monorepo; so there is no such thing as a git submodule by definition.
yeah, we have mostly a monorepo except for IAC so that permissions are managed separately and a client config repo so we can push configuration updates to production without having to go through develop and then master
hence why we have these 2 in addition 😕
Ok. Sounds complicated!
FYI I did get things seemingly working by mounting everything under /usr/src/app.
haven't yet tested changed-since
currently trying to get tests to run within a single module and fixing dependencies as it spits out errors