I updated from pants 2.16.0a0 to 2.16.0a1 and now ...
# plugins
I updated from pants 2.16.0a0 to 2.16.0a1 and now some of my pants plugin tests are showing wonky errors (like complaining about the syntax
: str
in a dataclass) for a
my rule is running. So, I want to debug this - how can I set
for something running via pytest + rule_runner? I can get in the pytest sandbox, but I want to see the individual test's rule_runner's sandbox.
I suppose I could modify the test to add keep-sandboxes. I'll try that
Ugh yeah, debugging pants-in-pants is always a bit of a pain. I usually modify the test as you suggest
doesn't seem to be doing the trick. The path shown in the traceback doesn't exist 😕
It's one of my simplest rules too. So, I'm a bit befuddled 😛