Hi. I've been using pylint on my project and it a...
# general
Hi. I've been using pylint on my project and it appears to be functioning correctly for the most part. However, I've encountered an issue with fine-grained cache invalidation. When I modify a single leaf file (a leaf node in the dependency graph), it seems to trigger a pylint run on a large portion of the repository. I'm curious if this is a known issue with pylint or if it's more related to the organization of the source code (e.g., having overly large init.py files). Any insights or suggestions would be greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance for your help!
Pylint looks at code transitively to make inferences. Similar to mypy. Therefore changing one file ripples out into every file that transitively depends on it
That is the part I am trying to understand. I planted a simple hello world file in my repo. It does not depend on any other file, and no other file depends on it. But changing one letter in the string triggers pylint on most of my repo. I somehow suspect that this is due to package definitions with init.py, but I am just guessing.
You'd have to be more explicit with your use case. Can you post a reproduction repo?