I have pants generating `setup.py` for wheels (`py...
# general
I have pants generating
for wheels (
). In an exported venv,
./pants export ...
, I would like to use editable mode installations of all the exported resolve's code (Ie the code that will end up in that resolve's `python_distribution`s). So, is there a way to get the pants-generated
and do something like
setup.py develop
.? Or perhaps a PEP 660 install? One constraint to the solution: Setuptools gained support for PEP 660 in v64, but that is python 3.7+, and I need python 3.6 for the StackStorm project (for now - I need to figure out editable install to unblock some other things before we can work on finally dropping 3.6).
I think you're on your own here blazing new trails @proud-dentist-22844.
Not the first time 😛
Does pex have any kind of editable wheel support?
I’ve been down this path too in the past: https://github.com/pantsbuild/pants/issues/11812#issuecomment-810831415 😉 (long since abandoned so have no up-to-date ideas.. 😕 )
(BTW, this is slightly different than my venv request from a few days ago, which was more about final installation, whereas this is explicitly for development, so the exported venv is just fine if I can get it to work)
@proud-dentist-22844 I'm not sure what that would mean even since a PEX file is really a lockfile + contents. You freeze things in and so editable makes roughly no sense. You can use local project directories as input requirements, which snapshots the local project at that point in time - but the project is snapshotted, edits won't interfere with the now hermetic PEX capture of the project.
What does one use editable mode for? There is
pants run
pants repl
- is it a 3rd case, or just because those 2 cases are too slow?
Yup. this would be a very non-hermetic thing that would only really make sense in venv mode. I went through all of the various
options in
(and subcommands) to see what flexibility pex has. I'm not sure where editable anything might be shoehorned into pex unless maybe pex could be a PEX 660 frontend and install the PEX 660 wheels? Though I guess it would use pip for that. Sorry for the train of thought.
I guess you're hacking around our provided
pants export
hack for IDE hacky support?
If so the hack tower is too tall. There is work on a proper VS Code plugin from SJ.
My problem is: I can't yet migrate tests to run under pants (in particular I need to migrate from nosetest to pytest and ST2's use of eventlet makes migrations like that more difficult). Today, the makefile creates a virtualenv, installs all the requirements, and then runs
setup.py develop
for each of the wheels. I want to replace that venv with one generated somehow via pants so that the current Makefile can still be used to run tests while transitioning over to pytest + pants. And that means that I need editable installs. Also, our code relies heavily on setuptools metadata (esp entrypoints that are managed by openstack/stevedore), so PYTHONPATH alone is insufficient for testing our code.
Oh Jesus. Ok. You're having to deal with crazy land.
Yeah - not sure what to say about that. You are definitely on your own here.
The entire ST2 migration to Pants has been crazy land. And I'm apparently the mayor there...
As far as PEP-660 - yeah, that would only apply in
mode, but it still doesn't really apply. The whole point of a PEX is to pack it up and ship it; so where it lands will almost never have the local project checked out in the same relative location for symlinking.
Yeah, but now pants use of PEX is pushing it squarely into the "development" phase instead of just the "deployment" or "install" phase of software dev lifecycle.
Really pushing its limits...
Well, the venv is the right tool. That's the place to solve this for sure.
So instead of the develop mode, venv + PYTHONPATH=subproj1:subproj2 nets the same thing - is that right?
That should give live-edit with correct sys.path linking local project 1st party code to its 3rdparty reqs.
Meaning - I'd think the Makefile could work that way too. Obviously it would require edits which you may be loathe to do - but something is going to need edits here.
venv + PYTHONPATH=subproj1:subproj2 nets the same thing - is that right?
Nope. not quite. We need the egg-info
directories to expose the setuptools entry points.
I like Him. 🙂
I do not!
I just check in my dist-info and treat it as a resource.
Your python_distribution need not depend on that style thing. Perhaps a tad copypasta, but maybe an out?
I wonder if I can hook into
somewhere to inject the
files... I already have the logic to generate that: https://github.com/pantsbuild/pants/blob/main/src/python/pants/backend/python/framework/stevedore/rules.py#L43-L45
If I can generate the
files, then venv + PYTHONPATH would be sufficient.
Or if you do like I suggested and stomach the non-DRY. That will work too.
I just check in my dist-info and treat it as a resource.
Fascinating idea. I'll cogitate on it.
I doubt I can get a copy/pasta solution merged into ST2.
Ok. Well - good luck to you. This is all very ... I think you'll continue to be voted in as Mayor for life.
I’m willing to sit as second chair in your town hall @proud-dentist-22844 .. as my linked to issue comment was based in my desire to leverage precisely that too (setup entry_points data)
Welcome! LOL
🙃 1