Okay, so assuming I'm dumb enough to jump into bui...
# general
Okay, so assuming I'm dumb enough to jump into building a plugin to build a lambda layer, with a week's "experience" of pants, how do I go about this? I've gone through the tutorial written by a friendly community member, and I've got a plugin that supports the package rule. I have a fieldset that takes a bunch of dependencies. All I need to do is: ā€¢ Create a temporary directory ā€¢ Copy each dependency to that temporary directory ā€¢ Create a zip of the directory I can see that there's a
module that will create me a temp dir under the build root, but the docs are full of terrifying warnings about IO in rules. Is there something I need to be aware of here in order not to enrage the Cache Gods? From a thread in #general
Are the dependencies already available as one or more
At the moment I'm just trudging through code becoming increasingly confused. I can create a RequirementsPexRequest from my target, but I'm failing to create a Pex from that digest. Why do you ask?
I'm thinking that if I create a RequirementsPexRequest, then Get a Pex, I should be able to pass that digest to a Process and do the munging.
I ask because if the dependencies are already available as a
, then you can use the Digest-related API (i.e.,
) to manipulate the file system tree represented by the
into the form you need.
That's my current plan, but f I try to Get(Pex, requirements_pex_request) I get an ast error, which I'm trying to puzzle out. I suspect it's because I'm running 2.15 but reading code from main
Because the Pants setup code needs to read the input and output types out of a
When you have a variable with the input in it, you need to use the three-argument form of
Get(OutputType, InputType, my_input)
Ah ha. Excellent, so the places in the code I've seen using the 2 arg form are ... doing what?
I know that's a very stupid question
you will note that the two-argument form involves a constructor for the input type
and so the Pants setup code knows what the input type is (and can also just let the constructor call create the input instance)
Roger, thank you. I'll give it a whirl
Just fixing a PC with my son šŸ˜‚
awesome, I have a pex in my process. Thank you so much for your patience.
I know that's a very stupid question
Not a stupid question; no software is ever obvious, let alone the Pants plugin API
šŸ‘ 1
Yeah, there are no stupid questions here, only incomplete documentation
šŸ˜‚ 1
tbf, the documentation does make the difference between the two and three arg form clear, but I forgot all about that, and then had an inexplicable ast error.
Maybe the AST error should be improved to suggest the three-argument form in these cases?
for example, if the engine setup code sees the two-argument form but the second argument is a lower-cased identifier and thus likely not a Type, then the error could suggest the three-argument form.
If I get sufficiently bored, I'll open an issue and a PR to make the suggested change. That would definitely have saved me some time.