Hi there. It seems as though Pants isn't utilising...
# general
Hi there. It seems as though Pants isn't utilising my
. I have a rule to add my repo as a safe directory (
git config --global --add safe.directory '/my/git/repo'
), but when I run Pants (
./pants --changed-since 1.2.3
) I'm receiving this error:
Copy code
[INFO] No git repository at /my/git/repo: GitBinaryException("fatal: detected dubious ownership in repository at '/my/git/repo'\nTo add an exception for this directory, call:\n\n\tgit config --global --add safe.directory /my/git/repo\n")
Does Pants use some other Git config?
Can you provide the full command line with full output? The
and Pants runs processes in hermetic sandboxes with env vars scrubbed; so, depending where that message is being emitted from, that could be a cause.
Copy code
bash-4.2# whoami
bash-4.2# ./pants --print-stacktrace -ldebug --changed-since=$PREVIOUS_TAG package
12:18:23.31 [DEBUG] acquiring lock: <pants.pantsd.lock.OwnerPrintingInterProcessFileLock object at 0x7fc0fb817e20>
12:18:23.31 [DEBUG] terminating pantsd
12:18:23.31 [DEBUG] sending signal 15 to pid 882
12:18:23.61 [DEBUG] successfully terminated pid 882
12:18:23.61 [DEBUG] purging metadata directory: /codebuild/output/srcDownload/src/.pids/ea48444d5cc6/pantsd
12:18:23.61 [DEBUG] Launching pantsd
12:18:23.61 [DEBUG] purging metadata directory: /codebuild/output/srcDownload/src/.pids/ea48444d5cc6/pantsd
12:18:23.62 [DEBUG] pantsd command is: PANTS_DAEMON_ENTRYPOINT=pants.pantsd.pants_daemon:launch_new_pantsd_instance PYTHONPATH=/root/.cache/pants/setup/bootstrap-Linux-x86_64/pants.qvoR5o/install/bin:/root/.pyenv/versions/3.9.16/lib/python39.zip:/root/.pyenv/versions/3.9.16/lib/python3.9:/root/.pyenv/versions/3.9.16/lib/python3.9/lib-dynload:/root/.cache/pants/setup/bootstrap-Linux-x86_64/2.14.1_py39/lib/python3.9/site-packages /root/.cache/pants/setup/bootstrap-Linux-x86_64/2.14.1_py39/bin/python /root/.cache/pants/setup/bootstrap-Linux-x86_64/2.14.1_py39/bin/pants --pants-bin-name=./pants --pants-version=2.14.1 --print-stacktrace -ldebug --changed-since=./codebuild/helpers/get_previous_tag.sh package
12:18:25.72 [DEBUG] pantsd is running at pid 2679, pailgun port is 37293
12:18:25.72 [DEBUG] releasing lock: <pants.pantsd.lock.OwnerPrintingInterProcessFileLock object at 0x7fc0fb817e20>
12:18:25.72 [DEBUG] Connecting to pantsd on port 37293
12:18:25.72 [DEBUG] Connecting to pantsd on port 37293 attempt 1/3
12:18:25.72 [DEBUG] Connected to pantsd
12:18:25.75 [DEBUG] Launching 1 roots (poll=false).
12:18:25.79 [DEBUG] computed 1 nodes in 0.034156 seconds. there are 7 total nodes.
12:18:26.01 [INFO] Initializing scheduler...
12:18:26.03 [DEBUG] File handle limit is: 1048576
12:18:26.05 [DEBUG] Using [cache::CommandRunner { inner: bounded::CommandRunner { inner: nailgun::CommandRunner { inner: local::CommandRunner { .. }, .. }, .. }, .. }, cache::CommandRunner { inner: bounded::CommandRunner { inner: nailgun::CommandRunner { inner: local::CommandRunner { .. }, .. }, .. }, .. }] for process execution.
12:18:26.19 [DEBUG] Changes to /root/.cache/pants/setup/bootstrap-Linux-x86_64/pants.qvoR5o/install/bin, outside of the buildroot, will not be invalidated.
12:18:26.19 [DEBUG] Changes to /root/.cache/pants/setup/bootstrap-Linux-x86_64/pants.qvoR5o/install/bin, outside of the buildroot, will not be invalidated.
12:18:26.19 [DEBUG] Changes to /root/.pyenv/versions/3.9.16/lib/python39.zip, outside of the buildroot, will not be invalidated.
12:18:26.19 [DEBUG] Changes to /root/.pyenv/versions/3.9.16/lib/python3.9, outside of the buildroot, will not be invalidated.
12:18:26.19 [DEBUG] Changes to /root/.pyenv/versions/3.9.16/lib/python3.9/lib-dynload, outside of the buildroot, will not be invalidated.
12:18:26.19 [DEBUG] Changes to /root/.cache/pants/setup/bootstrap-Linux-x86_64/2.14.1_py39/lib/python3.9/site-packages, outside of the buildroot, will not be invalidated.
12:18:26.19 [DEBUG] setting up service <pants.pantsd.service.scheduler_service.SchedulerService object at 0x7f71c2ce5e80>
12:18:26.19 [DEBUG] setting up service <pants.pantsd.service.store_gc_service.StoreGCService object at 0x7f71c3255370>
12:18:26.19 [DEBUG] starting service <pants.pantsd.service.scheduler_service.SchedulerService object at 0x7f71c2ce5e80>
12:18:26.19 [DEBUG] starting service <pants.pantsd.service.store_gc_service.StoreGCService object at 0x7f71c3255370>
12:18:26.20 [INFO] Scheduler initialized.
12:18:26.20 [DEBUG] Launching 1 roots (poll=false).
12:18:26.20 [DEBUG] computed 1 nodes in 0.000349 seconds. there are 7 total nodes.
12:18:26.26 [DEBUG] specs are: Specs(includes=RawSpecs(description_of_origin='CLI arguments', address_literals=(), file_literals=(), file_globs=(), dir_literals=(), dir_globs=(), recursive_globs=(), ancestor_globs=(), unmatched_glob_behavior=<GlobMatchErrorBehavior.error: 'error'>, filter_by_global_options=True, from_change_detection=False), ignores=RawSpecs(description_of_origin='CLI arguments', address_literals=(), file_literals=(), file_globs=(), dir_literals=(), dir_globs=(), recursive_globs=(), ancestor_globs=(), unmatched_glob_behavior=<GlobMatchErrorBehavior.error: 'error'>, filter_by_global_options=False, from_change_detection=False))
12:18:26.26 [DEBUG] changed_options are: ChangedOptions(since='./codebuild/helpers/get_previous_tag.sh', diffspec=None, dependees=<DependeesOption.NONE: 'none'>)
12:18:26.26 [DEBUG] Launching 1 roots (poll=false).
12:18:26.26 [DEBUG] Completed: acquire_command_runner_slot
12:18:26.26 [DEBUG] Running Searching for `bash` on PATH=/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/local/bin under semaphore with concurrency id: 1, and concurrency: 1
12:18:26.26 [DEBUG] Completed: setup_sandbox
12:18:26.26 [DEBUG] Obtaining exclusive spawn lock for process since we materialized its executable Some("./find_binary.sh").
12:18:26.27 [DEBUG] spawned local process as Some(2706) for Process { argv: ["./find_binary.sh", "bash"], env: {"PATH": "/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/local/bin"}, working_directory: None, input_digests: InputDigests { complete: DirectoryDigest { digest: Digest { hash: Fingerprint<fc33a6ab65993fa57d52edbff44d8a8a89faa2ec0669950d238b481da5caf15c>, size_bytes: 91 }, tree: "Some(..)" }, nailgun: DirectoryDigest { digest: Digest { hash: Fingerprint<e3b0c44298fc1c149afbf4c8996fb92427ae41e4649b934ca495991b7852b855>, size_bytes: 0 }, tree: "Some(..)" }, input_files: DirectoryDigest { digest: Digest { hash: Fingerprint<fc33a6ab65993fa57d52edbff44d8a8a89faa2ec0669950d238b481da5caf15c>, size_bytes: 91 }, tree: "Some(..)" }, immutable_inputs: {}, use_nailgun: {} }, output_files: {}, output_directories: {}, timeout: None, execution_slot_variable: None, concurrency_available: 0, description: "Searching for `bash` on PATH=/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/local/bin", level: Debug, append_only_caches: {}, jdk_home: None, platform_constraint: None, cache_scope: PerRestartSuccessful, remote_cache_speculation_delay: 0ns }
12:18:26.27 [DEBUG] Completed: Searching for `bash` on PATH=/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/local/bin
12:18:26.27 [DEBUG] Completed: Scheduling: Searching for `bash` on PATH=/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/local/bin
12:18:26.27 [DEBUG] Completed: acquire_command_runner_slot
12:18:26.27 [DEBUG] Completed: acquire_command_runner_slot
12:18:26.27 [DEBUG] Running Test binary /usr/bin/bash. under semaphore with concurrency id: 2, and concurrency: 1
12:18:26.27 [DEBUG] Running Test binary /bin/bash. under semaphore with concurrency id: 3, and concurrency: 1
12:18:26.28 [DEBUG] Completed: setup_sandbox
12:18:26.28 [DEBUG] Completed: setup_sandbox
12:18:26.28 [DEBUG] spawned local process as Some(2707) for Process { argv: ["/usr/bin/bash", "--version"], env: {}, working_directory: None, input_digests: InputDigests { complete: DirectoryDigest { digest: Digest { hash: Fingerprint<e3b0c44298fc1c149afbf4c8996fb92427ae41e4649b934ca495991b7852b855>, size_bytes: 0 }, tree: "Some(..)" }, nailgun: DirectoryDigest { digest: Digest { hash: Fingerprint<e3b0c44298fc1c149afbf4c8996fb92427ae41e4649b934ca495991b7852b855>, size_bytes: 0 }, tree: "Some(..)" }, input_files: DirectoryDigest { digest: Digest { hash: Fingerprint<e3b0c44298fc1c149afbf4c8996fb92427ae41e4649b934ca495991b7852b855>, size_bytes: 0 }, tree: "Some(..)" }, immutable_inputs: {}, use_nailgun: {} }, output_files: {}, output_directories: {}, timeout: None, execution_slot_variable: None, concurrency_available: 0, description: "Test binary /usr/bin/bash.", level: Debug, append_only_caches: {}, jdk_home: None, platform_constraint: None, cache_scope: PerRestartAlways, remote_cache_speculation_delay: 0ns }
12:18:26.29 [DEBUG] spawned local process as Some(2708) for Process { argv: ["/bin/bash", "--version"], env: {}, working_directory: None, input_digests: InputDigests { complete: DirectoryDigest { digest: Digest { hash: Fingerprint<e3b0c44298fc1c149afbf4c8996fb92427ae41e4649b934ca495991b7852b855>, size_bytes: 0 }, tree: "Some(..)" }, nailgun: DirectoryDigest { digest: Digest { hash: Fingerprint<e3b0c44298fc1c149afbf4c8996fb92427ae41e4649b934ca495991b7852b855>, size_bytes: 0 }, tree: "Some(..)" }, input_files: DirectoryDigest { digest: Digest { hash: Fingerprint<e3b0c44298fc1c149afbf4c8996fb92427ae41e4649b934ca495991b7852b855>, size_bytes: 0 }, tree: "Some(..)" }, immutable_inputs: {}, use_nailgun: {} }, output_files: {}, output_directories: {}, timeout: None, execution_slot_variable: None, concurrency_available: 0, description: "Test binary /bin/bash.", level: Debug, append_only_caches: {}, jdk_home: None, platform_constraint: None, cache_scope: PerRestartAlways, remote_cache_speculation_delay: 0ns }
12:18:26.29 [DEBUG] Completed: Test binary /usr/bin/bash.
12:18:26.29 [DEBUG] Completed: Scheduling: Test binary /usr/bin/bash.
12:18:26.29 [DEBUG] Completed: Test binary /bin/bash.
12:18:26.29 [DEBUG] Completed: Scheduling: Test binary /bin/bash.
12:18:26.29 [DEBUG] Completed: Finding the `bash` binary
12:18:26.29 [DEBUG] Completed: acquire_command_runner_slot
12:18:26.29 [DEBUG] Running Searching for `git` on PATH=/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/local/bin under semaphore with concurrency id: 4, and concurrency: 1
12:18:26.29 [DEBUG] Completed: setup_sandbox
12:18:26.29 [DEBUG] Obtaining exclusive spawn lock for process since we materialized its executable Some("./find_binary.sh").
12:18:26.30 [DEBUG] spawned local process as Some(2709) for Process { argv: ["./find_binary.sh", "git"], env: {"PATH": "/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/local/bin"}, working_directory: None, input_digests: InputDigests { complete: DirectoryDigest { digest: Digest { hash: Fingerprint<74daa8164942a954dfa7b0e771e4a38e58b3dd98c3f2daffa9d54fcd98b6626a>, size_bytes: 91 }, tree: "Some(..)" }, nailgun: DirectoryDigest { digest: Digest { hash: Fingerprint<e3b0c44298fc1c149afbf4c8996fb92427ae41e4649b934ca495991b7852b855>, size_bytes: 0 }, tree: "Some(..)" }, input_files: DirectoryDigest { digest: Digest { hash: Fingerprint<74daa8164942a954dfa7b0e771e4a38e58b3dd98c3f2daffa9d54fcd98b6626a>, size_bytes: 91 }, tree: "Some(..)" }, immutable_inputs: {}, use_nailgun: {} }, output_files: {}, output_directories: {}, timeout: None, execution_slot_variable: None, concurrency_available: 0, description: "Searching for `git` on PATH=/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/local/bin", level: Debug, append_only_caches: {}, jdk_home: None, platform_constraint: None, cache_scope: PerRestartSuccessful, remote_cache_speculation_delay: 0ns }
12:18:26.30 [DEBUG] Completed: Searching for `git` on PATH=/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/local/bin
12:18:26.30 [DEBUG] Completed: Scheduling: Searching for `git` on PATH=/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/local/bin
12:18:26.30 [DEBUG] Completed: Finding the `git` binary
12:18:26.30 [DEBUG] computed 1 nodes in 0.038032 seconds. there are 24 total nodes.
12:18:26.30 [DEBUG] Launching 1 roots (poll=false).
12:18:26.30 [DEBUG] Completed: Finding the `git` binary
12:18:26.30 [DEBUG] Executing: /usr/bin/git rev-parse --show-toplevel
Copy code
12:18:26.31 [INFO] No git repository at /codebuild/output/srcDownload/src: GitBinaryException("fatal: detected dubious ownership in repository at '/codebuild/output/srcDownload/src'\nTo add an exception for this directory, call:\n\n\tgit config --global --add safe.directory /codebuild/output/srcDownload/src\n")
12:18:26.31 [DEBUG] computed 1 nodes in 0.011003 seconds. there are 27 total nodes.
12:18:26.31 [ERROR] The `--changed-*` options are only available if Git is used for the repository.
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/root/.cache/pants/setup/bootstrap-Linux-x86_64/2.14.1_py39/lib/python3.9/site-packages/pants/bin/daemon_pants_runner.py", line 131, in single_daemonized_run
    runner = LocalPantsRunner.create(
  File "/root/.cache/pants/setup/bootstrap-Linux-x86_64/2.14.1_py39/lib/python3.9/site-packages/pants/bin/local_pants_runner.py", line 158, in create
    specs = calculate_specs(
  File "/root/.cache/pants/setup/bootstrap-Linux-x86_64/2.14.1_py39/lib/python3.9/site-packages/pants/init/specs_calculator.py", line 64, in calculate_specs
    raise InvalidSpecConstraint(
pants.init.specs_calculator.InvalidSpecConstraint: The `--changed-*` options are only available if Git is used for the repository.
I would normally not run Pants as root, but my build environment (AWS Codebuild) makes it really painful to use a non-root user.
directory is owner by
, hence the
detected dubious ownership in repository
Git error.
And whose homedir is the relevant
In root at
And does this work outside of Pants? e.g., if you SSH into that machine (if that is even possible) or create a similar setup some other way?
Do raw git commands work in such a case?
Yes they do, this is running in Docker. Please see:
Copy code
bash-4.2# whoami

bash-4.2# git status
fatal: detected dubious ownership in repository at '/codebuild/output/srcDownload/src'
To add an exception for this directory, call:

	git config --global --add safe.directory /codebuild/output/srcDownload/src

bash-4.2# git config --global --add safe.directory /codebuild/output/srcDownload/src

bash-4.2# git status
On branch feature/introduce_pants
Your branch is up to date with 'origin/feature/introduce_pants'.

bash-4.2# ./pants --changed-since=1.2.3 package
Bootstrapping Pants using /root/.pyenv/shims/python3.9
Creating the virtualenv PEX.
Downloading the Pex PEX.
SHA256 fingerprint of <https://github.com/pantsbuild/pex/releases/download/v2.1.103/pex> verified.
Installing pantsbuild.pants==2.14.1 into a virtual environment at /root/.cache/pants/setup/bootstrap-Linux-x86_64/2.14.1_py39
New virtual environment successfully created at /root/.cache/pants/setup/bootstrap-Linux-x86_64/2.14.1_py39.
12:30:54.93 [INFO] Initializing scheduler...
12:30:55.12 [INFO] Scheduler initialized.
12:30:55.22 [INFO] No git repository at /codebuild/output/srcDownload/src: GitBinaryException("fatal: detected dubious ownership in repository at '/codebuild/output/srcDownload/src'\nTo add an exception for this directory, call:\n\n\tgit config --global --add safe.directory /codebuild/output/srcDownload/src\n")
12:30:55.22 [ERROR] The `--changed-*` options are only available if Git is used for the repository.

Use --print-stacktrace for more error details and/or -ldebug for more logs. 
See <https://www.pantsbuild.org/v2.14/docs/troubleshooting> for common issues.
Consider reaching out for help: <https://www.pantsbuild.org/v2.14/docs/getting-help>
You also might try
we scrub some env vars from pantsd such that "unsandboxed" operation could still be tripped up.
Bad solution, good debug step though.
Okay, it works with
Yeah, so that's the problem.
Not sure on a real solution.
@big-agency-50572 Can you file a bug at https://github.com/pantsbuild/pants/issues? All this detail is great.
Will do, thank you for the quick help 🙂 In the meantime I think I'll try get the build to run as the non-root user.
How many
commands is the build running in a single container?
If just one, then
might be fine
at least as a stopgap
I've only just started implementing Pants so for now it's simply the
goals building 3 Docker containers.