I had a slight misunderstanding in the pants getti...
# general
I had a slight misunderstanding in the pants getting started. As an innexperienced curl user I thought that command would execute the install script for pants for me. But I just needed to read the documentation "closelier". I didn't pipe the curl command into a file. I read it as "This curl command will install pants into your ~/bin dir", not as what it actually says. Which is this script will install pants. So I had to pipe it first, chmod, then run it. Would it be fair to update the curl command and add
> install_pants.sh
at the end of it, then on a couple more lines add
chmod +x install_pants.sh
so it's clearer that you're just "downloading" the pants install script? https://www.pantsbuild.org/docs/installation My initial reaction was: "Darn, probably something wrong with my weird RHEL setup" 🙃
👍 1
Or we should make the docs clearer and add a
-o get-pants.sh
option to the
Seems like an error for the docs to not include one of those options since otherwise
dumps the script to stdout.
Yup, @bitter-ability-32190 said it probably got lost in the conversation because the only alternative was thought to be to pipe it directly to bash, which is a valid security concern. But if the user does one simple extra step I think that goes away.