Hey all! We've been happily adopting pants for ou...
# general
Hey all! We've been happily adopting pants for our monorepo setup. One issue we are running into is with a 3rdparty python dependency for which we need to set specific pip options (i.e.
imagecodecs==2023.1.23 --global-option="build_ext" --global-option="--lite"
). In the docs it's stated that these pip options are ignored (for now). Is there a way to work around this? I'd be happy to write up a github issue if that helps
👍 1
A GitHub issue would be excellent, thanks. Afaik we don't handle these today and I'm not sure pex does (will check when I'm back in front of a keyboard)
Pex does, but only via
-r requirements.txt
Created the issue here!
Ah, we do pass pip args from Pants via
-r __pip_args.txt
, but only some predetermined ones, it wouldn't be hard to add some user-specified ones via this mechanism.
I'll add more on the issue.
🙌 1
Hmm but that might only work globally, not per-requirement