Potentially dumb question but how do I only regene...
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Potentially dumb question but how do I only regenerate lockfiles for resolves that have been updated?
new here but I'll try answering with my limited knowledge rather than just asking for a change 🙂 I've found a manual way of doing this via
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pants generate-lockfiles --generate-lockfiles-resolve="['resolve_1', 'resolve_2']"
I haven't yet found a more automated way -- for example, something that could look at unstaged changes or changes between two revisions and regenerate only lockfiles for affected resolves.
❤️ 1
there are no dumb questions.. we all had to learn the basics or not so basics at some point. there’s no out-of-the box way to do it, but if you’re up for some mechanics you could do it with:
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$ pants peek --filter-target-type=python_requirement --changed-dependents=transitive --changed-since=main | jq -r '.[] | .resolve // "python-default"' | sort | uniq
then use that as input for the next step
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$ pants generate-lockfiles --resolve=...
(note: you can omit the goal name from the option when used after the goal on the command line as the scope will be inferred..)
🎉 2