If I set a package manually in `pyproject.toml`(li...
# general
If I set a package manually in `pyproject.toml`(like
mypy = "1.1.1"
), will the
config follow the one installed? Because then I could use renovatebot to keep the version of this tool maintained and updated.
Nope! I do believe there are plans to move away from separate tooling lockfiles though, so maybe in the future?
Does that mean we also need to specify something like this:
lockfile = "3rdparty/mypy_lockfile.txt"
If I don't explicitly specify a lock file for mypy I am getting the following error when running
pants export
125825.11 [ERROR] 1 Exception encountered:
Engine traceback:
goal - environment:local_linux
InvalidLockfileError: You are using the
lockfile provided by Pants to install the tool
, but it is not compatible with your configuration:
- You have set different requirements than those used to generate the lockfile. You can fix this by updating
, and/or
, or by using a new custom lockfile.
In the input requirements, but not in the lockfile: ['mypy==1.1.1']
In the lockfile, but not in the input requirements: ['mypy==0.961']
To generate a custom lockfile based on your current configuration, set
to where you want to create the lockfile, then run
pants generate-lockfiles --resolve=mypy
yeah if you set a custom mypy version, then you need to have a corresponding lockfile. This is true about all the tools.
👍 1
👍 1