With the new binary pants, testing plugins against...
# plugins
With the new binary pants, testing plugins against multiple Python variants is pretty much pointless, right? It'll always run under 3.9.
It kinda depends. Within a single organization of you know everyone is using the binary, yes. Otherwise the binary hasn't really captured the full market yet.
Fair point. Since I'm mostly writing plugins for my own/internal use I'm fine with that assumption... if any others use it, they'll either have to suffer or use the binary. 😉
Same 😈
That being said I try and upstream as much as possible for the community and so I don't have to avoid buses
Yeah; I probably should... Just puts a much higher barrier for quality/design to merge it. 😛
Thats a hidden reason I do it too. I don't write tests locally but I'm forced to upstream. Then I usually find bugs 😂
FWIW we don't have fangs. We're happy to welcome PRs and will guide you if it needs changes. We love contributions of all shapes and sizes. It's how many of us started. 🙂
Oh I know, I've done a couple of PRs already 🙂 I just now know that they're terribly built because I did them pretty much first week of using Pants. 😛
That's impressive 😁
When I submitted one of my backends, I realized there were newer pants features that I wasn’t taking advantage of. Those features let me delete half of the plugin. Less code to maintain is a win!